The Eyes Have It |
I set myself the seemingly ambitious-yet-low-bar goal of asking ten people to take their picture. Don't worry about the outcome, don't worry about needing to get ten "yesses". Just ask ten people.
In my usual style, I couldn't simply ask the first ten people I came across. That would be boring! No, I wanted ten interesting people - not that I can tell you what that really means. But I believed I would know it when I saw it.
Taking the L from Frankford to 2nd Street I walked to Society Hill Towers. The first person I asked was a man with tattoo sleeves standing in the door of a tattoo parlor. He refused so I smiled and moved on.
After spending some time at the Towers I headed for Spruce Street Harbor Park in case anything interesting was happening there. I heard the distinctive beat of a drum group and thought a Labor Day parade was coming toward me. Wow! But not quite! It was these four guys playing strong raising money for their band. As you can see by their smiles and the focus in their eyes these guys loved playing.
Once I started taking pictures the guy at the back on the left jumped into view with huge smile, holding the sign up high. He knew how to make the most of a promotional opportunity! I'm emailing the photo set to him tonight. Enjoy this photo and the rest I took of them on my Flickr page.